
Social management of the community through the networks

The social, economic and cultural transformations that have affected the population in the last decades, have pushed the Company to define and structure new tools and visions in the sector of social management of the public dwellings in the Florence Area .The overall objective was to structure a management and a control of the public dwellings from a social point of view which, through the partecipation of all stakeholders, had positive repercussions in terms of prevention, in terms of social quality of living and consequently on the dynamics connected to delay (or avoiding) of the payments, to the contractual breach and to the progressive degradation processes of the housing structures linked to an improper use of the common goods.

It has been important the involvement and the participation of all local and institutional stakeholders, inside an integrated network and alliances that, based on sharing, consultation, co-designing objectives, tools and strategies, has contributed to manage the social needs of the tenants through a methodology of taking charge of the problems concerning a continuum of interventions.

Starting from the taking in charge of the needs, of the social criticality situations and of the fragility of the tenants, through the definition and activation of structured procedures and integrated operations, as well as suitable operational tools, on one hand the management of existing and not yet evident conflicts has been faced, and on the other hand processes of active participation by tenants have been structured, aimed to enhance peaceful coexistence and respect of the regulations.

From the operational point of view, the activity is carried out in an integrated network level, which includes the various institutional subjects involved, such as the Municipalities, the Social Services, the Health Society, the Local Health Units. This enhance the structuring of sharing moments such as work tables and coordination meetings, which led to the formalization of the collaboration through the signing of Agreement Protocols, based on shared objectives and strategies.

The Social Management Office therefore operates not only at a macro level (network of stakeholders) but also at a level that involves directly the tenants, the Self-management of the condominiums, through the definition of objectives and operational tools belonging to specific areas of intervention related to the conflict dimension, to the condominium's social life, to the respect of the rules of peaceful coexistence and to the personal services.

Through the use of suitable quantitative and qualitative survey tools such as questionnaires with semi-structured interviews and focus groups, it is being implemented a mapping, constantly updated.

Also, it is important the definition and the dissemination of information tools and the structuring of initiatives aimed at promoting active participation in the condominium life, of empowerment, enhancement of dialogue and socialization.

European Responsible Housing Awards 2019

Modalidad Building strategic alliances, fostering community participation

Dirección Via Fiesolana 5
50121 - Firenze
Firenze (Italy)
