
Pflege@Quartier – Guaranteed care in the neighbourhood

In the period 2015 to 2018, under the direction of a GESOBAU project team, partners from the healthcare industry and nursing science sector joined forces with telematics experts to work on the implementation the project concept. In contrast to many other AAL projects, “Pflege@Quartier” focuses on the perspective of the user and hence on the customisation of solutions, combining participation and human needs with mechanisation and digitalisation processes. Funded by the GKV umbrella organisation, the concept was developed in conjunction with the residents and is thus specifically aligned with the requirements of senior citizens in need of care.

“Pflege@Quartier” was developed in conjunction with the tenants (aged 65 and above, some in receipt of long-term care) and is thus specifically aligned with the requirements of senior citizens. Numerous aspects were considered, including requirements applying to technology and quality, specific personal and care-related needs, social activities and access and innovation barriers. In terms of fittings, the project specifically focused on affordable, user-friendly solutions that give older residents access to technological daily living aids and prevent potential dangers (falls, forgetfulness, loneliness). During the project period 2015 - 2018, 30 flats (were fitted out according to the methodological and scientific concept that had been developed. These fittings have been tested in the “Pflege@Quartier” show flat and have also been installed in 30 flats with 44 tenants, average age 77) on the Märkisches Viertel estate. The basic fittings were chosen to provide added comfort to any age group. Furthermore, the basic fittings in the rented flats include all aids that are beneficial and helpful for virtually all residents. A distinction is made between two groups of fittings: structural-mechanical aids and technological aids. Interviews with the tenants identified the areas where such aids are needed. On the technical side, based on current Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) approaches, smart application scenarios were combined with a neighbourhood concept. All components used in the basic installation can interact with each other. Depending on the requirements, solutions involve safety modules, such as fall detection or orientation lights, comfort functions, for instance light control via tablet, and/or functions for im-proving social contact such as ageappropriate tablets. In the area of emergency detection, human intervention is ensured via a link to a classic home emergency call centre.

Since the system we installed in the homes is intended to support the residents’ independent way of life as unobtrusively as possible, it has been configured such that only certain parts require “active operation” by the user. The project aimed to set the operability threshold as low as possible in order to increase acceptance among the 65+ target group which is still not very technology-oriented.

European Responsible Housing Awards 2019

Modalidad Building strategic alliances, fostering community participation

Dirección Wilhelmsruher Damm 142
13439 - Berlin
Berlin (Germany)