
Welcome-Office Berlin-Zehlendorf

In fall 2016 we provided apartments for around 60 former refugees in our residential complex in Berlin-Zehlendorf. In order to help these new tenants to feel like home and help them integrate in the existing neighborhood, we opened the “Welcome Office” .

Key facts:

• Office ours: Daily from 9am to 6pm

• Run by two experts in the socio-educational field that provide advice and counselling every day (two 50% part-time positions)

• Supported by volunteers (community management)

• The rooms are provides by the Hilfswerk-Siedlung Gmbh (HWS)

• The experts running the office belong to the organization “Berliner Stadtmission (Berlin City Mission)

• The overall costs are covered by HWS, including the salary of the two experts in charge


1. neighbourly cohabitation

- coffee afternoons for all and for women only

- discussion groups for various topics

- joint celebrations

- games night

2. Education, culture and sports

- daily homework support by volunteers and former refugees that used to be teachers

- one-on-one coaching for children that need special support

- Weekly kids-day with different sports and musical activities or excursions

- Computer classes

- language partnerships

- guitar classes

- language classes (several times a week)

- counselling with official procederes and accompaniment visiting public authorities

3. Democracy and teaching of values

4. Health counselling and accompaniment to doctors

European Responsible Housing Awards 2019

Modalidad “Plus qu'un toit” – Equilibre social des territoires

Dirección Lupsteiner Weg 59
14165 - Berlin
Berlin (Allemagne)
