
Learning to stay at home: education for the social inclusion of older tenants

This collaborative research oriented by conception associated tenants, researchers, health professionals, SHCs and building construction professionals, within research committees. For four years (2014-2018), all of these researchers gathered to conceive the programme, test it and participate in its evaluation with the aim of making it transferrable to other SHCs. Four SHCs of Arcade Group took part in it : Antin Résidences and Coopérer pour Habiter (Île de France), Aiguillon Construction (Bretagne) and Norevie (Hauts de France).

The programme “I get adapted and remain at home” was validated following two cycles of research. A first trial tested between 2014 and 2016 in Antin Residences and CPH allowed to conceive the programme. A second trial tested within Aiguillon and Norevie allowed to improve it and to make it transferrable. Each research cycle included training for the professionals, educational sessions at the tenant’s house and an evaluation time slot.

The professional trainers who conduct the sessions are occupational therapists, professionals of SHCs (building janitors, social advisers, real estate managers) and building works professionals. The team also includes a building works coordinator. These professionals followed a one-day training session with the aim of knowing the programme and their roles in the educational intervention, as well as practicing the use of the pedagogical tools. The educational process, revolving around the tenant, also included conductors and pedagogical tools. It was supposed to let the professionals take heed of the tenants’ needs, to bring them information (e.g. possible adaptations of the lodgings, financial commitment of the landlord), advice and personal support, in correlation with the emergence of their own choices. The programme was made for elderly people, who fell, and who were volunteers for taking part in the process. 30 tenants took part in the educational programme. For each volunteer, educational sessions were held in their home, to target three skills (see attached file).

• Session 1: Explain their habits, their resources and the situations deemed as problematic.

• Session 2: Elaborate their lodging adaptation project.

• Session 3: Finalise their choices and manage the time frame of the building process.

The programme was finalised by the doing of building works at the tenant’s lodgings.

The evaluation was made by researchers thanks to semi-directed interviews and quizzes for the participants (tenants and professionals), focus groups for the research committee professionals, observation grids of the educational sessions. The programme “I get adapted and remain at home”, validated by this research, includes 3 educational sessions that change depending on the conductors, pedagogical methods and tenant’s targeted skills

European Responsible Housing Awards 2019

Modalidad “Plus qu'un toit” – Equilibre social des territoires

Dirección 59 rue de provence
75009 - Paris
Paris (France)
