
Big Conversation

Big Conversation is unique in the UK. Once a year, for the last ten years, all SBHG staff have gone out to visit residents in their homes to get an insight into satisfaction, what works well and where there is room for improvement. From this elected representatives of the residents, called Resident Voice, consider the results and devise action plans which are delivered by the business.

In ten years we have:

1. Doubled the number of surveys returned from an average of 324 to 644, meaning it is our mots insightful method of resident feedback.

2. Involved at least 160 members of staff meaning all except the repairs team arr fully engaged and motivated.

3. Increased our targeting rate to 2500 residents each year so that we can rely on statistically relevant results.

4. Included share owners every three years to reflect the mixed tenures of homes we offer.

5. Started using a camper can as a mobile consultation unit meaning that residents drop by for a conversation and in so doing often have conversations with their neighbours as well.

6. Gone European - Est Metropole Habitat has started La Grande Conversation with the same objectives.

European Responsible Housing Awards 2016

Modalidad Good governance and fair relations to stakeholders

Dirección Flanders Road
W4 1NN - London
(Reino Unido)
