
LWB Wohnschule

The “LWB Wohnschule” is aimed at young women and men aged between 17 and 27 who are on the verge of renting their first apartment or have already gained initial experience as tenants. It is irrelevant with which landlord the workshop participants live today or in the future. In the workshop, they meet LWB apprentices who - as teachers and experts - impart knowledge about living so to speak at eye level. Didactically the LWB apprentices are supported by social workers of the Jugendhaus Leipzig e.V. The “LWB Wohnschule” combines theory and practice. The LWB apprentices introduce their peers interactively and playfully to the ABC of independent living. The young specialists sharpen the sense for important details, stumbling blocks and help the tenants of tomorrow to help themselves. It is about the basics of tenancy law; tips for a peaceful coexistence of residents and the administration and calculation of one's own budget. The students also learn how to handle their first home properly, like how to ventilate and heat.

The workbook – also developed by the apprentices - is the guideline for the workshops. The students can take the workbook home with them and read it again later, should they need any information. Moreover, Corporate Communications has designed playing cards that illustrate topics such as renting, eating and drinking, clothing and saving. The participants in the “LWB Wohnschule” have the task of distributing a fixed amount (700 euros, which corresponds to an apprentice's salary plus child benefit) on the cards in such a way that it is sufficient for their needs. The individual budget plans are then compiled. Only then are the realistic values revealed. The learning effect is enormous in this part of the workshop, as it is here that the greatest ‘aha’ effect occurs. Until then, most of the participants had never dealt with their living costs, let alone the costs that arise in a tenancy. At the end of a workshop, the participants were asked about what had stuck in their minds the most. Again and again, reference is made here to the cost game.

European Responsible Housing Awards 2019

Modalidad “More than a roof” – supporting communities of equal opportunities

Dirección Bornaische Str. 98
04277 - Leipzig
Sachsen (Alemanha)
