
Basque Observatory of Housing

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The Basque Observatory of Housing is an instrument that facilitates the transfer and the access to information and knowledge on housing issues from a triple perspective in the Basque Country: as a support to the decision-making process in the public sphere, such as the satisfaction of the sector professionals’ and stakeholders’ demands and as a reference to reflect the reality of housing from an objective and institutional point of view. It is a service depending on the Vice-Ministry of Housing of the Basque Government. Among its activities, the Basque Observatory of Housing carries out a wide range of actions to transfer and to promote knowledge in the field of housing: www.euskadi.eus/viviendaeuskadi With the intention of transferring this knowledge, the Observatory carries out dissemination actions on an annual basis, such as the conferences held dealing with current topics, the regular newsletter or the Basque Observatory of Housing blog.

Oeuvres présentées


European Responsible Housing Awards 2019