
Employer branding of Stångåstaden

The project started with an internal and an external analysis. We analysed our recruitment needs, the strengths of Stångåstaden’s employer brand, the needs and behaviours of Swedish students, and the perception of Stångåstaden’s employer brand. The next step was to compare the strengths of Stångåstaden’s employer brand with how Swedish students perceive the ideal employer. The common areas in the internal and external analyses were chosen as the main brand messages for Stångåstaden’s employer brand.

The second part of the project was to choose the communication channels for the employer branding strategy.

We chose three main external communication channels where we could get our messages to student candidates effectively.

1) Stångåstaden’s website with new material and a values test. First the student candidates answered questions about their values and how they see the ideal employer. The test showed a percentage of how well the Stångåstaden culture and company matches the student candidates’ values and needs.

2) Stångåstaden arranged an audition to recruit temporary staff for the summer. The audition was set up like a speed-dating interview with one of the managers of Stångåstaden. The audition was marketed in social media such as Facebook and Snapchat, and through outdoor advertising.

3) Exhibitions. We participated in various student exhibitions with our new employer branding stand. The stand was based on gamification: a fun house construction game that can be downloaded on App Store. After completing the game the students can take the values test and see how their values match Stångåstaden’s, and then sign up for the digital career newsletter.

4) We developed a new design for recruitment ads, which will be part of our external and internal marketing, and which create a sense of pride in our employer brand.

Job ads in the form of films also work as a type of advertisement for Stångåstaden.

We chose three main internal communication channels where we could get our messages to students effectively.

1) Stångåstaden’s Walk of Fame consists of footsteps and text on the office floor, where we promote employees who are living the Stångåstaden employer brand. The Walk of Fame has been placed in areas where all employees can see it.

2) Creativity Day is a day when each Stångåstaden employee gets to work on an activity of their choice, on a day of their choice. The Innovation lab is a day when a group of Stångåstaden employee gets to work with creating ideas together.

The activity doesn’t have to be related to the employee’s position or department.

3) The Employee of the Quarter is an award to employees that are living the Stångåstaden values.

The third part of the project was to implement the strategy.

European Responsible Housing Awards 2016

Modalidad Responsible human resources management

Dirección Tornbyvägen 1F
58003 - Linköping
