
FAD Awards 2012 Finalists

Monday, 14 de May de 2012
FAD Awards 2012 Finalists


The FAD Awards critical thinking and 2012 (chosen by Toni Marí, Ricardo Devesa and Octavi Rofes) has been awarded a 4 books from different theoretical frameworks and methodologies we explain the current situation from different points of view very clarifiers. The importance of time in which we live, pop, must begin to be recognized both in size and in the consequences it is generating. Therefore, the winners are:

1- The garden of the metropolis. Romantic landscape outdoor space for a sustainable city (Enric Batlle)

2- The ferro Barcelona. A propòsit of Joan Torras Guardiola. (Assumpció Antoni Vilanova i Feliu Torras Omedas)

3- Public Architecture em (Pedro Gadanho)

4- The architecture from the inside, 1925-1937 (Maria Melgarejo)


As for works, Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra, Marta Cervello, Ignasi Forteza, Victoria Garriga, Inés Lobo, José María Sánchez García, Pere Serra and Cesc Solà have composed the jury of the FAD Awards this year 2012. Among 477 works that have been presented, 55 have been selected. The works presented, could obtain the FAD prize from one of the three categories. This year there were 36 finalists of which 21 belonged to the category Architecture, Interior 5 and 10 to City and Landscape. The diversity does see the future possibilities of the profession, and the plurality of works make us sense the potential of a multiform architecture.


1-A house of Cadaqués (Cadaqués)

Stephen Bates (Sergison Sates Architects) / Fernando Villavecchia Obregón, Eileen Liebman, Mireia Comajuncosa Noguera (Liebman Villavecchia Architects)

2-Edifici Annex to the Museu Picasso (Barcelona)

Jordi Garcés

3-Complex The Pallaresasanta Gramenet Coloma (Santa Coloma Gramenet)

Robert Terradas Muntañola, Esteve Terradas Muntañola, Eduardo Souto de Moura, (Iberian Arquitectes, SL)

4-UPI Gandía (Gandía)

Angela Garcia de Paredes, Ignacio García Pedrosa (architects Paredes Pedrosa SLP)

5-Residential Buildings in the Ria de Bilbao (Bilbao)

Carlos Ferrater, Xavier Martí Galí, Lucía Ferrater (OAB Office of Architecture in Barcelona) / Luis Domínguez (Katsura Architecture)

6-Concello Lalin (Lalin)

Emilio Tuñón, Luis Moreno Mansilla (Mansilla and Tuñón SL)

7-Escola The Bòbila (Cambrils)

Jordi Badia, Viki Llinares (BAAS Jordi Badia)

8-Casa C / Z (São Roque do Pico-Ilha do Pico-Açores)

Inês Vieira da Silva, Miguel Vieira (SAMI-architects)

9-Remodelació de l'Antic Teatre del CCCB (Barcelona)

José Antonio Martínez Lapeña, Elías Torres Tur (Martínez Lapeña-Torres Architects)

10 Municipal Auditorium of Teulada (Moraira)

Francisco Mangado (Mangado y Asociados SL)

11 Assumption School Children Linares (Granada)

Elisa Valero Ramos

12-Agulles of Torresana (Terrace)

Manuel de Solà-Morales

13-Classroom Building and Departments of the UPO (Sevilla)

Jose Morales Sanchez, Sara de Giles Dubois (MGM architects) / Miguel Hernández Valencia

14-Nave16 Matadero Madrid (Madrid)

Iñaqui Butcher, Alejandro Virseda, Ignacio Vila

15-School Children (Pamplona)

Carlos Pereda Iglesias, Óscar Pérez Silanes (Pereda Perez Architects)

16-Socio-Cultural Center Agora (A Coruña)

Luis Rojo de Castro, Begoña Fernández-Shaw Zulueta (Red / Fernández-Shaw Architects) / Liliana Diaz Obal

17-Red Bull Music Academy. Nave Music Matadero Madrid (Madrid)

Langarita María Sánchez, Víctor Navarro (Langarita Navarro Architects)

18-Railway Station and High Speed ​​Logroño (Logroño)

Iñaki Abalos, Renata Sentkiewicz (Abalos + Sentkiewicz Architects)

19-Adega da Quinta do Fence (Peso da Régua)

Francisco Vieira de Campos (Less é Mais)

20-Casa Guardia Civil headquarters. Offices and Homes (Moncada)

Carlos J. Meri Cucart

21-Escola de Hotelaria e Turismo de Portalegre (Portalegre)

Eduardo Souto Moura (Souto Moura Arquitectos SA) / Graça Correia


22-Reabilitação da Casa do Arco for Instalação da Casa da Written (Coimbra)

João Mendes Ribeiro

23 Reform of Housing Type (Pamplona)

Iñigo Beguiristáin

24-Strategy Urbana (Matosinhos)

Nuno Sampaio

25-Tondeluna (Logroño)

Rubén Picado Fernández (Picado de Blas Arquitectos)

26-Fanqueiros (Lisbon)

José Adrião (José Adrião Architects)


27-Projecte of Restauració of Paratge of Tudela-Culip the Natural Park of Cap de Creus (Cadaqués)

Martí Franch Batllor (EMF studied martí franch)

28-Posada in value Restes Arqueològiques them to Jaciment Roma of Iesso (Guisborough)

Toni Gironès Saderra (Estudi d'Architecture Toni Girones)

29-Remodelació the Passeig de Sant Joan (tram tetuan - arc de Triomf) (Barcelona)

Lola Domènech Oliva

30-Redevelopment San Clemente and Rua Trindade (Santiago de Compostela)

Elizabeth Abalo, Gonzalo Alonso (Abalo Alonso Architects)

31-Madrid Río (Madrid)

Ginés Garrido (Burgos & Garrido) / Porras Caste / Rubio & Álvarez-Sala / West 8

32-Estrutura Autoportante of Contenção gives Estilha (Leixões)

Cristina Guedes, Francisco Vieira de Campos (Less é Mais)

33-El Magatzem Dels Reis Mags (Olot)

Xevi Bayona Camó, Arnau Verges i Tejero

34-ILLUMINACIO Nadal Grand Hotel Central (Barcelona)

Maria Güell Ordis (Lainvisible)

35-sideboard Inauguració IED (Barcelona)

Josep Ferrando Bramona

36-Magnólia (Lisbon)

José Adrião (José Adrião Architects)

For more information, please go to the records of the jury:

Thought and FAD Awards Crítica:

Awards FAD: