
Demographic trends, a rise in inequality and populism, increasing consequences of climate change, concerns over structural safety, are changing the political, social, infrastructural and environmental landscapes, including housing.

Housing and how (and, indeed, where) we live will be a decisive factor in the shaping of our future(s), and so remains fundamental. Our aim is that the ideas, inspirations and best practices that arise from European Responsible Housing Awards will be a part of these conversations and developments.

What began in 2014 as an EU-funded funded initiative focussing on Corporate Social Responsibility within the social and affordable housing sector, has now transformed into a unique opportunity for public, social and cooperative housing providers to participate in a Europe-wide competition and demonstrate accomplishments, innovations and best practices under four diverse award categories:

  • Fair financing for housing affordability
  • “More than a roof” – supporting communities of equal opportunities
  • Leaders of innovation, agents of fair energy transition
  • Building strategic alliances, fostering community participation
  • Empowering the team, addressing employees changing needs

Check the full details at ERHIN website

Over the course of two Awards programmes, with over 110 best practices gathered in two handbooks and 9 winners that stood out in the respective categories, we hope to add to this (tradition) when, in 2019, public, cooperative and non-profit housing providers will be able to compete for the third edition of the European Housing Responsible Awards.

The ERHIN Awards 2019 will take place on the 6th of June during the International Social Housing Festival: “Our Planet, our Cities, our Homes… Ourselves”, in Lyon, 4th – 8th of June, 2019. The 2nd edition of ISHF features the following themes: “Housing for All, The Right to the City and the Future of Living, A Planet for Tomorrow, Health and Wellbeing for All”. Last year’s festival played host to 1,400 participants, attending 45 events over 9 days and next year’s festival promises to be even more ambitious and dynamic.

Key European stakeholders will act as Jury members, evaluating whether the applications that will open in early February 2019 indeed meet cross-cutting criteria consistent with the European Responsible Housing Code of Conduct.

Plazos de inscripción Del 23/11/2018 al 03/03/2019

Premios de otras ediciones

European Responsible Housing Awards 2022

European Responsible Housing Awards 2016

European Responsible Housing Awards 2014